A logistics innovator

A logistics innovator

Effective solution that easies driver shortage 

Yoshio Kimura, who manages the purchasing of logistic assets for ALC has a clear idea of how Relay Liner helped the hiring. “To what extent we can reduce the drivers’ labor affects how many of them we can recruit. And with the Relay Liner® solution, we have separated the driving and the storage operations. Not only can the drivers go home on the same day but they are also freed from all the loading and unloading. This results in shorter working hours and less burden, and we believe it’s especially beneficial to female drivers,” says Kimura, “Our aim is to reduce the drivers’ physical workload, and that is what we are investing in.”

A logistics innovator

“The era of consumer marketing, where companies competed by producing and selling more, is over. Now marketing has shifted to ‘social value creation’, and logistics companies need to shift from manufacturer-centered operations to customer-centered operations. Although manufacturers compete with each other, co-delivery is the answer for logistics companies to achieve higher efficiency and lower costs, and this is what produces social values in the end,” he explains.